location_city Virtual Platform schedule Sep 11th 09:00 - 09:45 AM IST place Online people 72 Interested

It’s 2020 and a new decade awaits us. 100 years ago, our world was famous for the Russian Revolution and World War 1.

In our century, we are also facing tremendous upheaval. The bushfires in Australia, floods in Indonesia. We are seeing the impact of climate change before our eyes.

Technology-wise, agile has become mainstream. Hardware is cheap, CI and CD are commonplace. Robotics and Machine Learning is a reality. This is the age we live in. This is the now.

How do we begin to plan for such a reality? How do we test software in such an ecosystem? Should we even try? How do we maintain skills, when frameworks change as rapidly as nail varnish on a teenager?

As leaders in software testing, these are the questions we need to be able to answer. We need leadership now more than ever. We can’t predict the future, but we can prepare ourselves to be able to deal with change, to develop strategies that facilitate rapid learning and rapid change.

We can upskill our people to be able to handle inconsistency and complexity. To know when technology is beneficial and when to rely on our ability to think critically.

We must create environments where talent can grow and thrive. We learning (and failure) are embraced. Today is the day, we become the test leaders of the future. Are you with me?


Target Audience



schedule Submitted 4 years ago

  • Shweta Sharma

    Shweta Sharma / Nikita Jain - Accessibility testing 101

    45 Mins

    "This world is such a beautiful place to live in." If you can read the first sentence without any screen readers or assistance, you're privileged. As technologists, shouldn’t we be more empathetic towards differently-abled people and make all parts of our website accessible to them? In my humble opinion, the true power of technology can be identified when it reaches out to people of all kinds having different physical or psychological challenges. We not only legally bound to provide Accessibility but also it should be considered as our moral responsibility.

    As testers, we have a wonderful opportunity to contribute to Accessibility by ensuring that the site is accessible in many different ways. Although it is impossible to identify all the issues that exist around Accessibility in the world, we are lucky enough to still understand a majority of them. With this understanding, there have been many measures taken in order to make your site accessible. But, don’t forget - we are QA engineers. We got to ensure that the site is accessible as per the standards set by WCAG 2.0 (AA) by testing for accessibility using various tools and techniques.

  • 45 Mins

    In this era of Digital transformation, clients have been demanding shorter and quicker releases. Shorter and quicker releases mean your team should not only be able to develop them at the required pace but also test and release them at a sustainable pace. User interface plays an important role in the client's business and there are organizations that release new features, fancy CSS regularly that support multiple browsers, multiple Operating systems, mobile devices. Verifying the frontend on this browser/device/OS matrix by humans is not only extremely time consuming but also prone to human errors. In fact, testing by humans should primarily focus on discovery leaving the repetitive and error-prone tasks to tools. Hence, automating Visual tests is becoming less of an optional activity and more of a must-have activity within the team. Ensuring visually perfect user experiences is equally important as to have the functionality working.
